Bongs by Ehle are the most popular waterpipes on the market. With its long lifetime, their very good workmanship and its almost fabulous smoke performance a genuine Ehle Bong is a true gem for any collection and and worth every single cent you paid for it.
Ehle Bongs are water pipes that are affordable and promise the highest level of smoking pleasure. Aesthetics and smoking pleasure are the hallmark of this water pipe.
Outstanding properties of the pipes are the processing, the smoke performance and the repair service.
The well known waterpipes by Ehle are now available in the 1000 ml versions. Here as cylinder.
Ehle Bong - 2000ml - 18.8mm - Sandblasted
- Ehle Bong with 18.8 mm joint size.
- Height approx. 56 cm.
- 2,000 ml volume
- Sandblasted Imprint
- Hexagonal base
- bowl and downpipe included
- Ehle Bongs are repairable
continuous wall thickness also at the downpipe is accented as an specific property of the Ehle Bongs.
The downpipe is made separately by Ehle. Thereby the downpipe has also the same wall thickness as the rest of the bong. Other
Manufacturers extract the downpipe from the bong. This reduces the wall thickness and produces a breaking point.
Furthermore it should be pointed on the
accurate fit of Ehle.
All Ehle downpipes are made by Schott, which means highest quality and all parts fit exactly. It is advisable to buy only original parts. Low priced downpipes may not fit exactly.
repair service for Ehle Bongs is excellent. All Ehle waterpipes can repeatedly be repaired. It does not cost much and concerves your water pipe for eternity.