Hesi Boost acts both as blooming activator as well as foliar fertilizer for the flowering phase . Hesi Boost strengthens the flowers , increases the sugar content of the fruit and supports the entire plant. Hesi Boost is suitable for all substrates .
Plants in the flowering phase have a significantly increased nutrient consumption . The formation of flowers and fruits strains the capabilities of a plant to the utmost . Hesi Boost supports the plant in several ways:
- Hesi Boost strengthens your plants and stimulates them into forming a lush and bushy growth.
- Hesi Boost promotes the development of inflorescences and helps in the defense of adverse environmental factors.
- Hesi Boost supports your plants in the rapid formation of as large flowers as possible.
- Hesi Boost stabilizes the flowers of your plants and increases their lifespan.
- Hesi Boost supports your plants in forming thick strong fruits, whether ornamental or edible.
- Hesi Boost improves the taste of fruits by a higher sugar content and a more uniform ripening.
Hesi Boost consists of various fruit enzymes. Hesi Boost contains 1& each of phosphorus and potassium and also the minerals calcium, magnesium , iron, zinc , copper, molybdenum and selenium. In addition, vitamins ( B1 , B3, B6) fruit sugar and various enzymes are included.
Application: Use once to stimulate the forming of flowers once at the beginning of the flowering stage. During the advanced flowering stage, use Hesi Boost 1-2 times per week. Edible fruits should be no longer fertilized in the 2 weeks prior to harvest. Hesi Boost can be given in the normal plant water or as foliar fertilizer.
Dosage: 1- 2ml per 1 liter of water.