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Growing for the best taste and smell. Plagron Batmix is a mix of the finest, carefully selected types of peat. It contains various types of fibre and perlite which results in a lightness and oxygen level, you have come to expect only of Plagron quality substrates. The abundant presence of unique Plagron worm castings ensures vigorous plant growth and increased water retention. The main nutrient in Batmix ist Bat manure (Bat Guano). Bat manure is naturally rich in phosphorus and potassium, guaranteeing abundant growth. Only under closely controlled conditions ca Bat Guano be processed into the top quality product Batmix. Batmix contains sufficient nutrients to meet all the needs of the plant througout the complete cycle. Do not add any fertiliser for the first six weeks. After this eventual fertilising depending on the plant developement. Attention! Water well before use. Composition:
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beste erde von allen erden die ich bis jetzt hatte war der batmix die beste!
von allen erden die ich bis jetzt hatte war der batmix die beste!
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